Viacheslav Kruglik

Harmoniums — piece for electric harp and percussion, Op.48

  Harmoniums — piece for electric harp and percussion  
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Título alternativo Гармониумы
CompositorVyacheslav Kruglik
Vyacheslav Kruglik
EditoraVyacheslav Kruglik
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Sinos tubulares, Glockenspiel, Gongo, Marimba, Triângulo, Timbales, Vibrafone, Xilofone, Címbalos, Tantã, Tantã, Crotales, Mark tree
Composição paraConjunto Grande (9 ou mais participantes)
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes, Parte de solo
chave Dó (C) maior
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
duração 5'55"
dificuldade Difficult
Ano de composição 2016
descripção I really like to write music for "non-standard" compositions. So when I was approached by the famous St. Petersburg harpist Sofia Kiprskaya with a proposal to write a piece for electric harp and percussion, I immediately agreed. The variety of percussion instruments, their unique colors, and even such an exclusive instrument as the electric harp-all this opened up a boundless scope of creative imagination. But such an "unusual" composition also required an "unusual" approach. I wanted to achieve some "fantastic" sound.
Kurt Vonnegut's novel "Sirens of Titan" there are fictional creatures, harmonium. The author describes them as follows:
"Harmonium is the only known form of life on the planet mercury. Harmoniums are cave dwellers. More charming creatures are hard to imagine."
"These cave creatures are very similar to small, soft,
unframed kites."
The vast expanses of space, planets, stars, fantastic creatures — all these images could not be better suited to this instrumental composition. So the idea of this play was born.
data de postagem 14 dez 2020


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