Viacheslav Kruglik

Gerda — Overture for orchestra after the tale by H. C. Andersen 'The Snow Queen' (full score, parts), Op.45

  Gerda — Overture for orchestra after the tale by H. C. Andersen 'The Snow Queen' (full score, parts)  
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Título alternativo Герда
CompositorVyacheslav Kruglik
Vyacheslav Kruglik
EditoraVyacheslav Kruglik
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Flauta, Clarinete, Fagote, Oboé, Trompa francesa, Trombone, Trombeta, Tuba, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Harpa, Tarola, Glockenspiel, Triângulo, Timbales, Címbalos, Bombo
Composição paraOrquestra Sinfônica
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa, Partes
chave Dó (C) maior
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
duração 8'45"
dificuldade Medium
Ano de composição 2015
descripção Gerda — Overture for orchestra after the tale by H. C. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

I thought for a long time, who is the main character of the fairy tale by G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"? And I came to the conclusion that it was Gerda. This courageous woman in love goes through all the trials, through all the torments, to save her lost friend. It is a woman, not a little girl, as she is represented in the book. Gerda loves Kai so much that she follows him to a place where there is no turning back. And saves him by the power of his boundless love. With these thoughts, I created the overture "Gerda".
data de postagem 17 jan 2021


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